Are You Willing to be…a Vessel of Honor?

Are You Willing To Be…A Vessel Of Honor?

Rapsodie Adams


In 2 Timothy 2:21, the Lord talks to us about different types of vessels. I want to talk to you about a vessel of honor and a very brave woman, named Ester. Please read the book of Ester, it will inspire you and ignite a fire in your bones (We are going to need that, in these last days). Have you ever thought about how the Lord might use you in these last days? When you think about Ester, are you saying to yourself, but Ester was a queen, I am nobody. Let me tell you a truth, there are no unknowns or nobody’s with God; only mighty men, women, and children (like Ester) that God has saved for such a time as this. We could have been born at any time in history, but this is the time that God has chosen for us.

So let us purge ourselves of (wood and earth) these things that are not of God. Let us separate from the world and the things of the world, and the things of the church that have come from the world. Let’s be that vessel of honor, God has equipped us to be. Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit, who comes in power – blazing the way before us, giving us the power and the grace to do mighty things for God.


A Prayer

Dear Father, I would (like Ester) like to go boldly before the kings (people in high places) of this earth, speaking the truths that are in your word. Jesus, you died for me, help me to die to self so that I can live a life of honor, for you. Help me Holy Spirit, to never-never be afraid of man. I want always to stand against evil, a vessel fit for the Master’s use. Lord, you are coming soon, help us (your body) to stand strong against the evil in these last days.


Be blessed in Jesus’ name.