I Will Abide
I Will Abide
Rapsodie Adams
One way we can abide in Christ is by understanding that Jesus is the vine. As a matter of fact, we are the branches; as long as we are attached to Him, we will bring forth fruit. Consequently, as we bring forth more fruit the Father will prune us. That is to say, He will continue to get rid of things in our lives that keep us from producing much fruit. For it is the much fruit that makes us Jesus’ disciples; and being Jesus’ disciples brings glory to the Father.
If we stop bearing fruit, it means we no longer have the life of Christ in us. For we are no longer abiding in Christ. And the Father who is (the husbandman) will take us away. At this time, I would like those that are reading this blog to go to John 15:1-11 and read what God is saying to His people.
A Prayer
Dear Father, through the years, there have been times, I have sought my own understanding of things. But as time goes on, I find myself seeking my own understanding less and less. Because you are the author and finisher of my faith; I know you are turning those less and less into never. Father, I never, never want to be cut away from the vine; for the desire of my heart is to always abide in Christ. This allows Him to abide in me.
Be blessed in Jesus’ name.