A Sweet, Sweet, Smell
A Sweet, Sweet, Smell
Rapsodie Adams
I love to go to the nursery, the smells are so sweet; beyond anything found in a spray can. I can’t live at the nursery, so spray can it is. The Lord has said in His word that if we fail to lift Him up…the stones would cry out. Can you imagine, a stone taking your place of praise? The thought makes my heart sad and it greaves my spirit. I, very much, want my praise to be a sweet smell to the Lord, to go beyond the smell of a spray can; even beyond the smell of the flowers in a nursery. I want it to be the sweetest smell that this child of God can lift up; full of honor that will glorify my King.
A Prayer
Dear Father, the smell of gardenia, honeysuckle, lavender, roses and lilacs is so good. But the fragrance from you, Jesus can change a dark day into light. Your fragrance can make the 4th of July finale seem like a dud. There is no way my praise can come close to your fragrance. Holy Spirit, help me to lift up my Lord, help me to bring Him such glory that the Lord would receive my praise as a sweet, sweet, smell. This is the desire of my heart. Lord you say in your word that you will give us the desire of our hearts; now Lord I am looking to you, my author and my finisher, Lord please make it so.
Be blessed in Jesus’ name.